Vue3 Chip

Vue3 Chip


1 min read

Vue3 Chip represents entities using icons, labels and images. It supports Vue 3 with PrimeVue 3 and Vue 2 with PrimeVue 2.


Refer to PrimeVue setup documentation for download and installation steps for your environment such as Vue CLI, Vite or browser.


import Chip from 'primevue/chip';

Getting Started

Chip can display labels, icons and images.

<Chip label="Text Only" />
<Chip label="Text with icon" icon="pi pi-check" />
<Chip label="Text with image" image="user.png" />


Setting removable property displays an icon to close the chip, the optional remove event is available to get notified when a chip is hidden.

<Chip label="Text" removable />


Content can easily be customized with the default slot instead of using the built-in modes.



Chip supports various themes featuring Material, Bootstrap, Fluent as well as your own custom themes via the Designer tool.


Visit the PrimeVue Chip showcase for demos and documentation.