React TabView

React TabView


2 min read

React TabView is a container component to group content with tabs.


Refer to PrimeReact setup documentation for download and installation steps for your environment.


import { TabView,TabPanel } from 'primereact/tabview';

Getting Started

Tabview element consists of one or more TabPanel elements and can either be used as a Controlled or Uncontrolled component.

Controlled Component

In controlled mode, activeIndex and onTabChange properties need to be defined to control the state.

<TabView activeIndex={this.state.activeIndex} onTabChange={(e) => this.setState({activeIndex: e.index})}>
    <TabPanel header="Header I">
        Content I
    <TabPanel header="Header II">
        Content II
    <TabPanel header="Header III">
        Content III


In uncontrolled mode, no additional properties are required. Initial active tab can be provided using the activeIndex property in uncontrolled mode however it is evaluated at initial rendering and ignored in further updates. If you programmatically need to update the active tab, prefer to use the component as controlled.

    <TabPanel header="Header I">
        Content I
    <TabPanel header="Header II">
        Content II
    <TabPanel header="Header III">
        Content III


TabView supports various themes featuring Material, Bootstrap, Fluent as well as your own custom themes via the Designer tool.


Visit the PrimeReact TabView showcase for demos and documentation.