React Sidebar is a panel component displayed as an overlay.
Refer to PrimeReact setup documentation for download and installation steps for your environment.
import { Sidebar } from 'primereact/sidebar';
Getting Started
Sidebar is used as a container and visibility is controlled with visible property.
<Sidebar visible={visible} onHide={() => setVisible(false)}>
<Button icon="pi pi-arrow-right" onClick={(e) => setVisible(true)}/>
Sidebar can either be located on the left (default), right, top or bottom of the screen depending on the position property.
<Sidebar visible={visible} position="right" onHide={() => setVisible(false)}>
Sidebar size can be changed using a fixed value or using one of the three predefined ones.
<Sidebar visible={visible} position="right" className="ui-sidebar-sm" onHide={() => setVisible(false)}></Sidebar>
<Sidebar visible={visible} position="right" className="ui-sidebar-md" onHide={() => setVisible(false)}></Sidebar>
<Sidebar visible={visible} position="right" className="ui-sidebar-lg" onHide={() => setVisible(false)}></Sidebar>
<Sidebar visible={visible} position="right" style={{width:'30em'}} onHide={() => setVisible(false)}></Sidebar>
Full Screen
Full screen mode allows the sidebar to cover whole screen.
<Sidebar visible={visible} fullScreen onHide={() => setVisible(false)}}>
Custom toolbar
Additional content can be provided using the icons property.
<Sidebar visible={visibleCustomToolbar} onHide={() => setVisibleCustomToolbar(false)} icons={() => (
<button className="p-sidebar-close p-link">
<span className="p-sidebar-close-icon pi pi-print"/>
<button className="p-sidebar-close p-link">
<span className="p-sidebar-close-icon pi pi-arrow-right"/>
<h1 style={{fontWeight:'normal'}}>Sidebar with custom icons</h1>
<Button type="button" onClick={(e) => setVisibleCustomToolbar(false)} label="Save" className="p-button-success" style={{marginRight:'.25em'}} />
<Button type="button" onClick={(e) => setVisibleCustomToolbar(false)} label="Cancel" className="p-button-secondary"/>
Sidebar supports various themes featuring Material, Bootstrap, Fluent as well as your own custom themes via the Designer tool.
Visit the PrimeReact Sidebar showcase for demos and documentation.