React Ripple

React Ripple


1 min read

React Ripple component adds ripple effect to the host element.


Refer to PrimeReact setup documentation for download and installation steps for your environment.


import PrimeReact from 'primereact/api';
import { Ripple } from 'primereact/ripple';

Getting Started

Ripple effect is an optional animation for the supported components such as buttons. It is disabled by default and needs to be enabled at your app's main container (e.g. App.js) using the PrimeReact class.

PrimeReact.ripple = true;

Note: That would be it to enable ripple on PrimeReact components, next section describes how to use it with your own components and standard elements.


Ripple is a component that needs to be imported and activated using PrimeReact.ripple = true

import { Ripple } from 'primereact/ripple';

<div className="p-ripple">
    <Ripple />


Default styling of the animation adds a shade of white. This can easily be customized using css that changes the color of .p-ink element.

<div className="p-ripple purple">
    <Ripple />
.p-ripple.purple .p-ink {
    background: rgba(256,39,176,.3);


Ripple supports various themes featuring Material, Bootstrap, Fluent as well as your own custom themes via the Designer tool.


Visit the PrimeReact Ripple showcase for demos and documentation.