React Button

React Button


2 min read

React Button is an extension to standard input element with icons and theming.


Refer to PrimeReact setup documentation for download and installation steps for your environment.


import { Button } from 'primereact/button';

Getting Started

Button is created using the Button element.

<Button />


Text of the button is defined using the label property.

<Button label="Save" />


Icon on a button is specified with icon property and position is configured using iconPos attribute. Default icon position is "left" and alternative is "right". To display only an icon, leave label as undefined.

<Button label="Click" icon="pi pi-check" />
<Button label="Click" icon="pi pi-check" iconPos="right" />
<Button icon="pi pi-check" iconPos="right" />


Events are defined with the standard notation.

<Button label="Click" onClick={handleClick} />


Different color options are available as severity levels.

  • .p-button-secondary
  • .p-button-success
  • .p-button-info
  • .p-button-warning
  • .p-button-danger
<Button label="Primary" />
<Button label="Secondary" className="p-button-secondary" />
<Button label="Success" className="p-button-success" />
<Button label="Info" className="p-button-info" />
<Button label="Warning" className="p-button-warning" />
<Button label="Danger" className="p-button-danger" />

Raised and Rounded Buttons

A button can be raised by having "p-button-raised" style class and similarly borders can be made rounded using "p-button-rounded" class.

<Button label="Proceed" className="p-button-raised p-button-rounded" />


Button supports various themes featuring Material, Bootstrap, Fluent as well as your own custom themes via the Designer tool.


Visit the PrimeReact Button showcase for demos and documentation.