PrimeVue 2.6.0 Released For Vue 2

PrimeVue 2.6.0 Released For Vue 2


2 min read

PrimeVue is known to be one of the early adopters of Vue 3 however this doesn’t mean Vue 2 branch is left out. We’re excited to announce version 2.6.0 for Vue 2 users that brings many improvements from the V3 branch including the Tailwind theme, Image Preview component, Scrollable Tabs and more.

Tailwind Theme

The new theme uses the official color palette from Tailwind and is based on the design bits at Tailwind UI such as forms, modals and menus. If you are utilizing tailwind ui and looking for a fully-featured UI component library, PrimeVue with the Tailwind theme will be an excellent choice. Note that, the theme does not use tailwind classes and instead provides a look-alike style for a unified design when used together. Alt Text

Image Preview

Image is a new addition to the UI suite to display an image with transformation options like rotate and zoom. For multiple images, please see the Galleria. Alt Text

Scrollable Tabs

Scrollable tabs display buttons at each side of the tabview header to effectively render many tabs at once without wrapping. On mobile devices, touch support is also enabled. Alt Text


There are over 35 improvements in this release, defect fixes are mostly based on community feedback so thank you for helping us to make the library better.


PrimeVue is licensed under MIT and free to download at NPM.


Our current focus is on improving accessibility by creating a dedicated section per component for keyboard support and screen readers along with scores from audit tools. This applies to v2 and v3.