Vue3 CascadeSelect

Vue3 CascadeSelect


3 min read

Vue CascadeSelect displays a nested structure of options. It supports Vue 3 with PrimeVue 3 and Vue 2 with PrimeVue 2.


Refer to PrimeVue setup documentation for download and installation steps for your environment such as Vue CLI, Vite or browser.


import CascadeSelect from 'primevue/cascadeselect';

Getting Started

CascadeSelect requires a value to bind and a collection of arbitrary objects with a nested hierarchy. optionGroupLabel is used for the text of a category and optionGroupChildren is to define the children of the category. Note that order of the optionGroupChildren matters and it should correspond to the data hierarchy.

<CascadeSelect v-model="selectedCity" :options="countries" optionLabel="cname" optionGroupLabel="name" 
                        :optionGroupChildren="['states', 'cities']" style="minWidth: 14rem" >
export default {
    data() {
        return {
            selectedCity: null,
            countries: [
                    name: 'Australia',
                    code: 'AU',
                    states: [
                            name: 'New South Wales',
                            cities: [
                                {cname: 'Sydney', code: 'A-SY'},
                                {cname: 'Newcastle', code: 'A-NE'},
                                {cname: 'Wollongong', code: 'A-WO'}
                            name: 'Queensland',
                            cities: [
                                {cname: 'Brisbane', code: 'A-BR'},
                                {cname: 'Townsville', code: 'A-TO'}

                    name: 'Canada', 
                    code: 'CA',
                    states: [
                            name: 'Quebec',
                            cities: [
                                {cname: 'Montreal', code: 'C-MO'},
                                {cname: 'Quebec City', code: 'C-QU'}
                            name: 'Ontario',
                            cities: [
                                {cname: 'Ottawa', code: 'C-OT'},
                                {cname: 'Toronto', code: 'C-TO'}

                    name: 'United States',
                    code: 'US',
                    states: [
                            name: 'California',
                            cities: [
                                {cname: 'Los Angeles', code: 'US-LA'},
                                {cname: 'San Diego', code: 'US-SD'},
                                {cname: 'San Francisco', code: 'US-SF'}
                            name: 'Florida',
                            cities: [
                                {cname: 'Jacksonville', code: 'US-JA'},
                                {cname: 'Miami', code: 'US-MI'},
                                {cname: 'Tampa', code: 'US-TA'},
                                {cname: 'Orlando', code: 'US-OR'}
                            name: 'Texas',
                            cities: [
                                {cname: 'Austin', code: 'US-AU'},
                                {cname: 'Dallas', code: 'US-DA'},
                                {cname: 'Houston', code: 'US-HO'}


Content of an item can be customized with the option template.

<CascadeSelect v-model="selectedCity" :options="countries" optionLabel="cname" optionGroupLabel="name" 
        :optionGroupChildren="['states', 'cities']" style="minWidth: 14rem">
    <template #option="slotProps">
        <div class="country-item">
            <img src="../../assets/images/flag_placeholder.png" :class="'flag flag-' + slotProps.option.code.toLowerCase()" v-if="slotProps.option.states" />
            <i class="pi pi-compass p-mr-2" v-if="slotProps.option.cities"></i>
            <i class="pi pi-map-marker p-mr-2" v-if="slotProps.option.cname"></i>
            <span>{{slotProps.option.cname ||}}</span>


CascadeSelect supports various themes featuring Material, Bootstrap, Fluent as well as your own custom themes via the Designer tool.


Visit the PrimeVue CascadeSelect showcase for demos and documentation.