PrimeVue is a design-agnostic UI component library for Vue thanks to its flexible theming system. Today we're excited to announce the new Tailwind theme to join the already impressive lineup featuring Material, Bootstrap, FluentUI and PrimeOnes themes.
The new theme uses the official color palette from Tailwind and based on the design bits at Tailwind UI such as forms, modals and menus. If you are utilizing tailwind ui and looking for a fully featured UI component library, PrimeVue with the Tailwind theme will be an excellent choice. Note that, the theme does not use tailwind classes and instead provides a look-alike style for a unified design when used together.
Live Demo
Visit PrimeVue showcase to take the new theme for a test run. We suggest playing with dynamic theme switcher to test the different themes as well.
Tailwind theme is available since PrimeVue 3.7.1. Visit the changelog for more information about the release.
Now the tailwind is out, we'll focus on updating PrimeVue Admin templates to latest versions and also bring the best seller Atlantis to Vue. In Q4 2021, we'll solely concentrate on accessibility enhancements for the core.