PrimeReact v6.5.0 adds 5 new components

PrimeReact v6.5.0 adds 5 new components


2 min read

PrimeReact v6.5.0 is getting more attention every day and PrimeTek is continuing to improve the library. The new version brings the new Speed Dial, Mention, BlockUI, Terminal, Dock components in addition to numerous enhancements.

New Build

Up until now, PrimeReact can only be used with environments that support commonjs, with 6.5.0 the npm distribution contains native ES modules, IIFE format and CommonJS fallback so that it can be used with module bundlers like Webpack and also directly within the browser with script tags.

Speed Dial

The Speed Dial component can be used to display multiple primary actions as floating action buttons together.


This new component is used for mention purposes, and it is used when the user needs to mention someone or something like used on Facebook or Twitter.


BlockUI is a new component to block either the whole page or a specific component like panels, datatable, datagrid, fieldset and more.


The new Terminal component is a text-based user interface that allows you to add your own commands.


PrimeReact v6.5.0 features a dock component that mimics the famous dock in Mac Os X in a web page. Basically, a dock consists of the dock itself and the dock items. You can have as many dockItems as you want.

Head over to the online demo to see the new components in action!


Visit Changelog for more information about the improvements.


PrimeReact is licensed under MIT and free to download at NPM.


Our focus is to make PrimeReact even better, stay tuned and..

Always Bet On Prime!