Angular Skeleton is a placeholder to display instead of the actual content.
Refer to PrimeNG setup documentation for download and installation steps for your environment.
import {SkeletonModule} from 'primeng/skeleton';
Getting Started
Skeleton displays a rectangle in its simplest form.
The other option is the circle by setting shape property as "circle".
<p-skeleton shape="circle"></p-skeleton>
In order to customize the size, use width and height properties for rectangles and size for Circle and Square shapes.
<p-skeleton width="100%" height="2rem"></p-skeleton>
<p-skeleton shape="circle" size="50px"></p-skeleton>
Border Radius
The default border radius of a rectangle is specified by the theme and can be overriden using the borderRadius property.
<p-skeleton borderRadius="16px"></p-skeleton>
Animation can be turned of by setting animation to "none".
<p-skeleton animation="none"></p-skeleton>
Skeleton supports various themes featuring Material, Bootstrap, Fluent as well as your own custom themes via the Designer tool.
Visit the PrimeNG Skeleton showcase for demos and documentation.