Angular Knob

Angular Knob


2 min read

Angular Knob is a form component to define number inputs with a dial.


Refer to PrimeNG setup documentation for download and installation steps for your environment.


import {KnobModule} from 'primeng/knob';

Getting Started

Knob is an input component and used with the standard ngModel directive.

<p-knob [(ngModel)]="value"></p-knob>
value: number = 0;

Minimum and Maximum

Boundaries are configured with the min and max values whose defaults are 0 and 100 respectively.

<p-knob [(ngModel)]="value" [min]="-50" [max]="50"></p-knob>


Step factor is 1 by default and can be customized with step option.

<p-knob [(ngModel)]="value" [step]="10"></p-knob>


Step factor is 1 by default and can be customized with step option.

<p-knob [(ngModel)]="value" valueColor="SlateGray" rangeColor="MediumTurquoise"></p-knob>


Default size of the Knob is 100 pixels for width and height, use the size property to customize it per your requirements.

<p-knob [(ngModel)]="value" [size]="200"></p-knob>


Knob supports various themes featuring Material, Bootstrap, Fluent as well as your own custom themes via the Designer tool.


Visit the PrimeNG Knob showcase for demos and documentation.